Thursday, July 12, 2012

On Wednesday Adelaide and I learned how to play on a Slip and Slide at Jonathan's house. He lives next door from GG and Poc's house.
Adelaide runs.....

and slides____________________.

Jonathan and I are making the water go further onto the grass.

On Tuesday we went to Mitchell Field in Milwaukee to get an idea of what our trip to Panama might include.
This is a model of a plane we think we might be flying on this Saturday. Even though it saya Northwest, we'll be flying  Delta.

This little plane is called a Martin. We think it's the type of plane we'll being flying on to get to Contadora Island.

Here's the Coach USA buw we're going to be riding to Chicago  to catch our flight at O'Hare.

After the airport we went to Tia's where she made us lunch and Poc took a nap.

It was another good day :)

Monday, July 9, 2012

 A full day ...

After doing a load of dishes and helping GG wash her bike it was time to wash my truck.

Hi Mama!!!

Off the ladder and across the pool. Tune in tomorrow, perhaps we'll have some new skills to showcase.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Another scorcher today! Adelaide and Leo staying cool. What you cannot see is the box fan blowing on them.  

Leo thought they looked like "moon crests."

Artist at work - creating a masterpiece for Tia and Kevin.

Hottest day of the year - so of course we went to the Brewers game. We tried to stay cool. Chorizo won the race.

Love that Walgreen's sprayer fan :)

They gave us free towels soaked in ice water at guest relations.

Tony Plush cape!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Celebrating the fourth with Henry Otto and his 'rents.

At Tia, Kev and Piper's house July 3.

A bit of drumming

and a touch of cribbage.